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Activate Your Calling

a workshop with

Mina Beizaie

Do you feel something deeper or more exciting is calling you but you are not sure what that is?

Do you observe some shifts and changes around you and maybe in your own life and don't know which direction to move?

Do you think you are meant for more?

If you are curious to explore these questions, you are warmly invited to join this special "Activate Your Calling" session.

In this session we will cover these topics:

Our deepest callings and how to find clarity around them.

How to integrate the new energy of our elevated awareness into our callings and dreams.

The practical day to day exercises that assist us in moving in the directions of our greater callings.

The most fun part will be the energy activation for the group with a special meditation / visualization.

What is energy activation?

What we experience as physical reality is only the surface layer of reality. The physical aspect either our physical body or outside world, already existed in mental, emotional, energetic aspects; before being manifested in physical world. The energy activation techniques are the tools that enable us to access those higher/deeper levels. By accessing the source of what has created the physical aspect, we can create true, lasting and fulfilling transformation in our reality.


Mina is a Holistic Coach. She is passionate about spreading love, joy, harmony and peace. She is here to help, inspire and empower others to live their truth and fulfil their destiny.

She is a natural problem solver and her engineering and computer programming background contributes to that. She is a certified coach and certified NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Master Practitioner. Mina studied different healing modalities including Reiki, Pranic healing and Arcturian healing method.

Her holistic approach, addressing the mind, emotions and body using NLP, body awareness, meditation and energy healing modalities, empowers the individual to achieve fast and sustainable results.

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